About Us
Written on Tuesday, October 14, 2008 by russel
Most of the pioneers here are a group of friends that got together under an automotive club based in Malaysia in 2003. Ever since then, we have been best of friends ever since.
We share loads more common interest besides cars. Oh, we believe we are well-versed with car maintenance too. We even have an inhouse DIY mechanic extraordinaire. We like car sports and believe in Defensive Driving. Free advise , no free lunch though - we normally go dutch. We play badminton every Thursday night at Technology Park Malaysia where our standards rivals Lin Dan but we accept players if their attitute is slightly more than tolerably annoying.
We like big boy's toy (though there are at least 5 flowers amongst us thorns) and bulk of us are still 18 at heart. As for the numbers in years - it's 23 - 38. Many bachelors and a few bacholorettes. Of course we like gadgets like DSLRs. We have a few professional photographers wannabes within our ranks and they do take fine, fine pictures.
GPS navigation systems too! The bulk of us uses Garmin 610. Though jaded since 2008, we bought it at an extreme low bulk price. You cannot top our group purchase price. That's another benefit for you, a gpsmakan contributor or even a follower too!
Most of all, we like to EAT and drink too! We traverse the whole of Malaysia just to have the best of the dish! We have the most critically self-proclaimed Choylan from Buklit Jalil and ChuiTeong from Seri Petaling to test if arsenic is found in the claypot chicken rice or your nasi lemak. Layman wine connoisuers, take heart - we have an AhBeng from Cheras who will share his finer understanding of fine wines like where Capinet Chauweenon grapes are from and why Sheeraa is called Sheelaz in the land down under. In exactly the languange we all can understand.
With our souped up cars, GPS, cameras and really a big appetite - we bring you http://www.gpsmakan.blogspot.com/
We have a forum established since April 2005 (the day we stepped off from being committees in the automotive club) called Kawan Lama ie. Old Friends at http://xdoubleupc.6.forumer.com/ Please identify to us if you would like to join us in talking about everything under the sun. The last count of forumers we had is 40 as to date. Shoot us an email - we are glad to welcome you.